Conflict Minerals Statement

Whereas armed groups in the Republic of Congo have taken control of local mining operations, mining operations are often accompanied by armed conflict and serious human right violations; which jointly raises the risk of terrorist’s activity and have garnered the attention of international community.

Magtek hereby makes the following representation concerning minerals extracted by way of armed conflict and human rights violation (“Conflict Minerals”):

Magtek arranges all procurement of raw materials for production in a responsible attitude. We expect all the cooperated suppliers and sub-suppliers would compliance with EICC and GeSI Code of Conduct. The following measures are taken to ensure that sources of procurement comes from suppliers who are committed to respect human rights and are responsible for environmental protection.

  • Asking suppliers to conduct due diligence to confirm whether their products include gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), tungsten (W) from the Republic of Congo, Complete the EICC Conflict Minerals Report Form, sign the Conflict-Free Minerals Commitment Form, and, if necessary, require the supplier to provide the survey results for further evaluation.
  • If a supplier is found to use conflict minerals in its products, it will be strictly required to stop using the conflict minerals or stop cooperating with the supplier.

Magtek pledges ourselves to contribute our best for reducing conflict mineral issue, and will continuously pay attention to it.

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